Book Review: Atomic Habits

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a practical and informative book on the subject of habits and how they can be used to create lasting change in our lives. Here are 5 lessons and 5 action steps you can take from the book.

Top 5 Lessons

Here are the top five lessons from the book:

Lesson #1: Small habits lead to big changes.

Clear emphasizes that the key to creating lasting change is to focus on small habits that can be practiced daily. By consistently practicing these habits, we can create significant changes over time.

Lesson #2: Habits are built through repetition.

The author stresses the importance of repetition in creating new habits. By consistently practicing a behavior, we can create a neural pathway in our brain that makes the behavior automatic.

Lesson #3: Environment is key to habit formation.

Clear suggests that our environment plays a significant role in forming habits. By creating an environment that supports positive habits, we can make it easier to stick to them.

Lesson #4: Habits need to be tied to a larger goal.

The author stresses the importance of tying our habits to a larger goal or vision. By doing so, we can stay motivated and focused on our long-term objectives.

Lesson #5: Continuous improvement is crucial.

Clear emphasizes that the process of habit formation is ongoing and requires continuous improvement. By regularly assessing our habits and making adjustments as needed, we can continue to make progress toward our goals.

Top 5 Action Steps

Here are five action steps you can apply to create positive habits in your life:

Action Step #1: Start with a small habit.

Identify a small habit that you want to create and start practicing it consistently. Over time, you can build on this habit to create more significant changes in your life.

Action Step #2: Set specific goals.

Identify specific and measurable goals that you want to achieve. Break these goals down into smaller, more manageable tasks to make them more achievable.

Action Step #3: Create a supportive environment.

Identify environmental factors that may be hindering your ability to develop positive habits and make changes to create a supportive environment.

Action Step #4: Track your progress.

Keep track of your progress towards your goals and make adjustments as necessary. This can help keep you motivated and focused on your objectives.

Action Step #5: Find an accountability partner.

Find someone who can provide support and hold you accountable for your habits. This can be a friend, family member, or a professional coach. Having someone to report to can help keep you on track and motivated to achieve your goals.

In summary, “Atomic Habits” provides practical and actionable advice on how to create positive habits and break bad ones. By applying the five lessons and practical action steps from the book, you can create positive change in your life and achieve long-term success.


Heinz Bulos is a conference producer, magazine editor, writer, and lifelong learner. He likes to write about and share what he's learning through research in behavioral economics, positive psychology, neuroscience, and biblical studies.

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