Book Review: Burn the Boats

“Burn the Boats” by Matt Higgins is a fascinating account of his journey from a working-class kid in New York to a successful entrepreneur, investor, and sports executive. The title of the book comes from the famous story of the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, who burned his own boats upon arriving in Mexico, sending a clear message to his troops that there was no turning back. The lesson here is that burning your boats, or eliminating your backup plan, can be a powerful motivator to push you to succeed. The book offers insights into the mindset and strategies necessary to achieve success in the face of adversity.

Top 5 Lessons

Here are the top five lessons from the book:

Lesson #1: Embrace risk.

Higgins talks about the importance of taking risks in order to achieve success. He argues that without risk, there can be no reward. He encourages readers to embrace uncertainty and not be afraid to fail.

Lesson #2: Persistence is key.

The author emphasizes that success often comes from perseverance and not giving up. He recounts numerous instances where he encountered setbacks and obstacles but persisted through them.

Lesson #3: Learn from failures.

Higgins talks about the importance of learning from failures and using them as opportunities for growth. He emphasizes that failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone toward future success.

Lesson #4: Develop a growth mindset.

Having a growth mindset is essential for success. He encourages readers to focus on continuous improvement and not be limited by their current abilities or circumstances.

Lesson #5: Create a culture of excellence.

Higgins emphasizes the importance of creating a culture of excellence in order to achieve success. He believes that setting high standards and pushing for continuous improvement is key.

Top 5 Action Steps

Here are five action steps you can apply to achieve success despite adversity:

Action Step #1: Burn your own boats.

If you’re serious about your venture, burn your own boats by committing to your business and eliminating any backup plans. This will push you to work harder and stay focused on your goals.

Action Step #2: Cultivate resilience.

Failure is inevitable, but the ability to bounce back is what sets successful entrepreneurs apart. Cultivate resilience by viewing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and by developing a positive mindset that allows you to move on.

Action Step #3: Build a great team.

Your team can make or break your business, so it’s important to choose your partners and employees carefully. Define clear roles and responsibilities, communicate effectively, and make sure everyone is working towards the same goals.

Action Step #4: Take calculated risks.

Don’t be afraid to take risks, but make sure they’re calculated. Conduct thorough research and analysis, and have a solid plan in place before taking any big leaps.

Action Step #5: Embrace the unknown.

Accept that uncertainty is part of the entrepreneurial journey, and be ready to pivot when necessary. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and be open to feedback and opportunities that can take your business to the next level.

Overall, “Burn the Boats” is a great read for anyone looking to achieve success in any area of their life. By taking risks, persisting through obstacles, learning from failures, cultivating a growth mindset, and setting high standards, you can achieve success and reach your full potential.


Heinz Bulos is a conference producer, magazine editor, writer, and lifelong learner. He likes to write about and share what he's learning through research in behavioral economics, positive psychology, neuroscience, and biblical studies.

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